Information, suggestions, and guidelines for Jacobite participants:


Camps are intended to look like an army on the march in 1745. The tents may be anything from a primitive lean-to, to any of the 18th Century military or civilian tent styles. The key is white or off white cloth, no bright colors or man made materials. Most tents are canvas, some muslin. We can work with just about any style that fits these general requirements. Wooden poles, natural fiber ropes, and wooden or blacksmith type stakes are also required.

For bedding you can use anything from air mattresses to a pile of straw. You may use sleeping bags, foam pads, or whatever you are comfortable with as long as it is covered with the appropriate blanket or kilt.

Cooking is done over open fires, often in cast iron pots. It may be done communally as a Clan family. Table service is very much dependent upon your station in life. Many Clansmen would eat out of wooden bowls with limited utensils. Some pewter, tin, or fired clay items are also used, as were waxed leather mugs. Experience has made many living history cooks very good.

Please keep camp clutter to a minimum. Highlanders did not pack: slat constructed teepee type folding chairs, western blankets, stuffed sheep, modern guitars, buffalo skulls, mountain man camp gear, blanket trading goods, Native American items, capotes, hunting frocks, enamel ware, golf clubs, CD players, plastic rain gear, or fantasy weapons (not an exhaustive list!). With a little research it's easy to find out what was packed in 1745. IN THIS AREA, LESS (stuff) IS MORE (authentic).

Remember that your Clan or unit will work with everyone who is interested in participating. Do not think that you need to have all of the items noted in this document. Many of the items that you might want can be shared, loaned, or traded. A Clan is a family who works together to marshal their resources. Please ask questions. (back to top)

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Copyright 2001 MacFarlane's Company.
Information on this page may be used by non-profit organizations for research and education purposes only, for all other use contact Elliot MacFarlane.
Last updated: 01/05/01
For more information on MacFarlane's Company, contact Elliot MacFarlane: