MacFarlanes Company at Highland Games
The mission of MacFarlanes’ Company is to preserve, promote, and present the history of peoples and their cultures. All of the Company’s work supports non-profit organizations. We believe that by understanding the past, you can better live in the present, and better prepare for the future. The Company does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual preference, cultural experience, socio-economic status, or disability, and does not support organizations which do. Be aware that the Company’s historical presentations may reflect the 18th century’s social, political, linguistic, and cultural realities. |
Copyright 2011 MacFarlanes Company. Information on this page may be used by non-profit organizations for research and education purposes only, for all other use contact Elliot MacFarlane. Last updated: 8/22/11 For more information about MacFarlanes Company, contact Elliot MacFarlane at: |
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